Mar 10, 2006


The Office of International Affairs hosted a lunch party on March 6, 2006 for overseas Chinese students and discussed their annual trip to Ali Mountain

Pictured from left to right: Guang-Xiong Pei, Yu-Tin Yeh,
Hui-Li Ju, Jian-Zong Chen, Fu-Xiong Huang, and Quan-Yuan Xie


The Office of International Affairs hosted a Welcome Party for international and overseas Chinese students on March 9, 2006

Front row pictured : Dr. Wei-Huang Li on the left, and Ms. Kelly Chiu on the right
Back row pictured : Dr./S Anne Therese Falkenstein S.P. (forth from the left)

Front row pictured from left to right: Ms. Kelly Chiu, Mitsuru Baba,
Haruka Ushirogata, and Ai-Hua Kuo
Back row pictured from left to right: Chiu,Fukai Eri, and Ran Takenouchi


Providence University received 16 students from Nanyang Polytechnic University of Singapore on March 10, 2006.

Students had a picture taken with professors from Department of Business Administratoin, Dr. Jyh-Jeng Wu, (front row second from the right) and Dr. Ming-Chang Huang (on the right) after a fun introduction of Providence University and College of Management by Dr. Jyh-Jeng Wu

Dr./S Anne Therese Falkenstein, S.P. addressed the forum

A student representative received a gift from Dr. Jyh-Jeng Wu

Students visited St. Bosco Hall


Providence University received Dr. Yuichi Tomita, director of International Affairs Center, and Mr. Masaru Takemae, Supervisor of General Administration Division from Yokohama City University of Japan on March 13, 2006.

Pictured from left to right: Dr./S. Anne Therese Falkenstein, S.P., Vice President Shaw-Tao Lin, Dr. Yuichi Tomita, Mr. Masaru Takemae, and Dr. Fang-Chi Tseng

Pictured from left to right: Dr./S. Anne Therese Falkentein, S.P.,
Dr. Fang-Chi Tseng, Dr. Yuichi Tomita, and Mr. Masaru Takemae,

Pictured from left to right: Mr. Masaru Takemae, Ms. Kelly Chiu,
Dr./S. Anne Therese Falkentein, S.P., Dr. Yuichi Tomita,
and Dr. Fang-Chi Tseng


On the same day, March 13,2006, Providence University welcomed 10 Japanese exchanged students and 4 representatives: Kun-Kuo Hung, Tsutomu Sone represented Japan Asia Airways (JAA)、Imafuku Kyouko represented Mukogawa Women’s University, Allen Yang represented China Youth Corps

Front row pictured from left to right : Ro-Shan Chiu, Kun-Kuo Hung, President Matthew Min Teh Yu, and Dr.Fang-Chi Tseng
Back row pictured: Allen Yang (second from the left), and Dr./S. Anne Therese Falkentein, S.P.(on the right),


On March 13, 2006, Ms. Tomoko Hifumi and Ms. Kaori Sato from Tsukuba University led three students to participate in a 3 weeks training program at Providence University

Pictured from left to right: Dr. kikuchi Noriyuyk, Ms. Tomoko Hifumi, President Matthew Min Teh Yu, Ms. Kaori Sato, and Dr./S. Anne Therese Falkentein, S.P.,


Providence University received Francis X. Nguyen Van Sang, Bishop of Thai-Binh Diocese, Father Giuse Tran Xuan Chieu from Vietnam and Dean Chen Yao-Han on March 15, 2006.

Pictured from left to right: Dean Yao-Han Chen, President Matthew Min Teh Yu, Bishop Francis X. Nguyen Van Sang, Dr./S. Anne Therese Falkenstein, S.P., and Fr. Giuse Tran Xuan Chieu

Visited Luking Library
Pictured from left to righ: Mr. Tran, Bishop Francis X. Nguyen Van Sang, Fr. Giuse Tran Xuan Chieu, Sister Celest Tsai (Director of Luking Library), and Dean Yao-Han Chen

Visited Art Center
Pictured from left to right : Director Tien-Fu Lin, Bishop Francis X. Nguyen Van Sang, Fr. Giuse Tran Xuan Chieu, Dean Yao-Han Chen, and Ms. Li-Ling Wang (staff of Art Center)

Visited Chaplain's Chapel
Pictured from left to right : Dr./Fr. Ramon Santacana, Bishop Francis X. Nguyen Van Sang, and Fr. Giuse Tran Xuan Chieu

Pictured from left to right : Fr. Giuse Tran Xuan Chieu, Dr./S Anne Therese Falkenstein, S.P., S. Regina Mary Wallace, S.P., President Matthew Min Teh Yu, Bishop Francis X. Nguyen Van Sang, Dean Chen Yao-Han, Fr. Martin Su, S. Celest Tsai, S.P., and Mr. Tran


Dr. William Hipwell from School of Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington of New Zealand and Dr. Geoffrey Wall, from Department of Geography of University of Waterloo
of Canada were invited by Department of Ecology and gave two speeches to students
on March 20, 2006

Pictured from left to right: Dr./S. Anne Therese Falkenstein, Dr. William Hipwell, Dr. Geoffrey Wall, Dr. Janet C. Chang, Dr. Chih-Liang Chao, Dr. Yi-Ren Lin, and Ms. Yue-Lin Lu


On March 28, 2006, four guests visited
Providence University to discuss the details of sending Vietnamese students
to study at Providence University

Pictured from left to right: Dean Yao-Han Chen, Fr. Chuan-Gui Ruan, Fr. Ting-Fu Ruan , Ms. Kelly Chiu, Fr. Wen-Yu Ruan , and student Guang-Xiong Pei

Pictured from left to right: Fr. Chuan-Gui Ruan , student Guang-Xiong Pei, Dean Yao-Han Chen, Fr. Wen-Yu Ruan , and Fr. Ting-Fu Ruan

Pictured from left to right: Dean Yao-Han Chen , Mr. Shu-Xiu Tsai, Fr. Chuan-Gui Ruan, Fr. Ting-Fu Ruan, and Fr. Wen-Yu Ruan

Pictured from left to right: Fr. Wen-Yu Ruan , Fr. Ting-Fu Ruan,
Fr. Chuan-Gui Ruan, and Dean Yao-Han Chen