Sep 30, 2008

Learning Partners

We would like to welcome you to join our big family. The greatest news is that we offer each international, overseas, and exchange student a learning partner ( local Chinese student ). Learning partner is to have a Taiwanese friend who can share learning experience, assist you to get used to the new life in Taiwan , improve your Chinese comprehension, and learn more Taiwanese Culture. You will make a lot of Taiwanese friends through learning partners. Please do not hesitate to register this excellent program.

學習夥伴 , 觸動人心!歡迎加入靜宜大學這個大家庭。告訴大家一個好消息,國際事務室招募友誼大使給每位外籍生/僑生/交換學生一位學習夥伴 (本籍學生),學習夥伴就像天使一樣協助你/妳適應台灣新環境,增進語言能力,和學習台灣文化。透過友誼大使,你/妳將結交更多的台灣朋友,請不要猶豫的加入我們的行列!

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